100+ Ancient History MCQs | Indian Ancient History | Top Ancient History MCQs with Answer Quiz |

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21. Who was the Chola king who brought Ganga from North to South?

  1.  Raja Raja Chola
  2.  Mahendra
  3.  Rajendra Chola
  4.  Parantaka

Answer: C.Rajendra Chola
Explanation: Rajendra Chola I extended the influences of the already vast Chola Empire up to the banks of the river Ganges in the north and across the ocean. Rajendra’s territories extended coastal Burma, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Maldives conquered the kings of Srivijaya (Sumatra, Java and Malay Peninsula in South East Asia) and Pegu islands with his fleet of ships. He defeated Mahipala, the Palaking of Bengal and Bihar, and to commemorate his victory he built a new capital called Gangaikonda Cholapuram.

22. What was Chandragupta II also known as?

  1.  Samudra Gupta
  2.  Skanda Gupta
  3.  Vikramaditya
  4.  Ranaa Gupta

Answer: C.Vikramaditya
Explanation: Chandragupta II was the third ruler of the Gupta Empire of India who took the epithet of Vikramaditya 4th century CE Sanskrit poet Kalidasa, credits Chandragupta Vikramaditya with having conquered about twenty one kingdoms, both in and outside India. The title Vikramaditya’ was later used by 16th century Hindu king Samrat Hem Chandra Vikramaditya as well.

23. The first grammarian of the Sanskrit language was –

  1.  Kalhana
  2.  Maitreyi
  3.  Kalidasa
  4.  Panini

Answer: D.Panini
Explanation: Panini was a Sanskrit grammarian from Pushka lavati, Gandhara. He is known for his Sanskrit grammar, particularly for his formulation of the 3,959 rules of Sanskrit morphology, syntax and semantics in the grammar known as Ashtadhyayi (meaning “eight chapters”).

24. The famous poet Kalidasa lived in the court of –

  1.  Chandra Gupta I
  2.  Samudra Gupta
  3.  Kumara Gupta
  4.  Chandra Gupta II

Answer: D.Chandra Gupta II
Explanation: Kalidas was one of the “nine gems” at the court of a king named Vikramaditya, generally identified with the great Gupta ruler, Chandragupta II.

25. What is Milindapanho?

  1.  A Buddhist place
  2.  One of the names of Buddha
  3.  A Buddhist Specimen of Art
  4.  A Buddhist text

Answer: D.A Buddhist text
Explanation: The Milinda Panha (Questions of Milinda) is a Buddhist text which dates from approximately 100 BC. It purports to record a dialogue in which the Indo-Greek kingMenander I of Bactria, who reigned in the 2nd century BC, poses questions on Buddhism to the sage Nagasena.

26. Well preferred tree fossil supposed to be from Jurasic Age in India is reported from:

  1.  Pithauragarh
  2.  Chhattisgarh
  3.  Ramgarh
  4.  Bahadurgarh

Answer: B.Chhattisgarh
Explanation: In a discovery that might excite geologists the world over, researchers of the State Forest Research and Training Institute (SFRTI) in Chhattisgarh, in November 2012, announced to have discovered tree fossils that date back about 250 million years – or the Jurassic age. The discovery could be a precursor to more such findings in the Sarguja region, known for its rich fossil reserves.

27. Which of the following does not have a Stupa?

  1.  Ranchi
  2.  Sanchi
  3.  Barhut
  4.  Dhamek

Answer: A.Ranchi
Explanation: The Great Stupa at Sanchi was built by Mauryan emperor Ashoka. Dhamek Stupa in Sarnath is thought to be the oldest Stupa in existence. The stupa of Bharhut is between Allahabad and Jabalpur situated in the erstwhile Nagod state of Madhya Pradesh.

28. The site of birth [nativityl of Gautam Buddha is marked by oy:

  1.  a monastery
  2.  a “Rummindei Pillar” of Ashok Maurya
  3.  a statue
  4.  a Peepal Tree

Answer: B.a “Rummindei Pillar” of Ashok Maurya
Explanation: Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, is marked by a commemorative pillar erected by Mauryan Emperor Ashoka of India during his pilgrimage to the holy site in 249 BC.The inscription on the Ashoka Pillar indentifies the Sacred Garden spread over 9 sq. km -as the spot where the Enlightened One was born. Lumbini was known as Rummindei in Asoka’s time.

29. The original founder of the Manuscripts and Editor of Kautilya’s Athashastra was

  1.  Srikanta Shastri
  2.  Srinivasa lyangar
  3.  R. Shamashastri
  4.  William Jones

Answer: C.R. Shamashastri
Explanation: In 1905, R. Ramashashtri discovered and published the Arthashastra, an ancient Indian treatise on state craft. He transcribed, edited and published the Sanskrit edition in 1909. He proceeded to translate it into English, publishing it in 1915.

30. For which among the following rulers has the Government of India borrowed and adopted its symbols?

  1.  Ashoka
  2.  Krishnadevaraya
  3.  Pulakesin
  4.  Kanishka

Answer: A.Ashoka
Explanation: The National Emblem of India is derived from the time of the Emperor Ashoka. It is a replica of the Lion of Sarnath, near Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. The Lion Capital was erected in the Emperor Ashoka in 3rd century B.C. to mark the spot where Buddha first proclaimed his gospel of peace and emancipation.

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