Top Electrical Interview Questions On Transmission & Distribution for Steel Plant/Power plant/Cement Plant/Construction
1. What are the advantages of hydro electric power plant?
Ans: i. Water is the cheapest and reliable source of generation of electric power.
ii. No fuel transportation problem.
iii. Maintenance problem.
iv. No ash disposal problems and no smoke is produced.
v. Running cost is low.
2. What are the disadvantages of hydro electric power plant?
Ans: i. The power produced by the plant depends upon quantity of water which
in turn is dependent upon the rainfall.
ii. Capital cost of the plant is high.
iii. The hydro electric power plants are generally situated away from the load centers. This requires long transmission lines to deliver power. Therefore the cost of transmission lines and losses will be more.
iv. It takes long time for the erection.
3. What are the disadvantages of Nuclear power plant?
Ans: i. Capital cost is very high.
ii. Erection and commissioning of the plant requires greater technical knowhow.
iii. The by products are generally radio active and may cause a large amount
of radio active pollution.
iv. The fuel is expensive and difficult to recover.
v. Maintenance costs are high.
vi. The disposal of radio active waste is a big problem.
4. What are the advantages of steam power plant?
Ans: i. Fuel is cheaper.
ii. Less space is required compared with hydroelectric plant.
iii. Capital cost is low.
iv. It can be located at any place, located near the load center.
v. Response quickly to change in load.
5. What are the disadvantages of steam power plant?
Ans: i. Maintenance and operating costs are high.
ii. Atmosphere is polluted.
iii. Large quantity of water is required.
iv. Handling of ash is difficult.
v. Time required for erection and put into operation is more.
6. What are the advantages of Nuclear power plant?
Ans: i. The amount of fuel required is very small.
ii. There is no problem of transportation and storage.
iii. Less space is required.
iv. Can be located near the load center.
v. Most economical.
7. Write the main components of tidal power plant?
Ans: i. The power house
ii. The dam to form basin
iii. Sluice- ways from the basins to the sea and from the sea to the basins.
8. What are the classifications of wind energy conversion system?
Ans: i. Horizontal axis wind mill
ii. Vertical axis wind mill
9. What are the advantages of wind energy conversion system?
Ans: i. It is renewable source of energy.
ii. Non polluting
iii. No problem of transportation
iv. It is cheaper if produced in large amount of power.
10. What are the disadvantages of wind energy conversion system?
Ans: i. Wind energy available is fluctuating in nature
ii. Noisy in operation
iii. The overall weight of the plant is very high.
iv. The system is not reliable.
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